

Welcome to Visit CCEC-ATCM




The Canadian Continue Education College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (CCEC-ATCM) is a ATCM network teaching institution established by Dr.Guojian Huang.

Due to the occurrence and development of the COVID-19 epidemic, the physical education of offline courses has become more and more difficult, very inconvenient and uneconomical by taking a lot of time and energy to arrange for school learning. The current online education method can fundamentally solve this problem. Its advantages are obvious: Students can flexibly arrange the time and place for learning. They don’t need to travel by car, and they don’t need to close working clinics and hospitals during the learning period. In their spare time, they can enrich knowledge and learn new skills in the online school to achieve the purpose of continuing education.

Basically, CCEC-ATCM will introduce Dr. Guojian Huang’s theoretical knowledge and clinical experience, combine with the current popular, practical and advanced Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion theory methods, focus on further improving the clinical skills of the students. It is our responsibility to help student to solve practical clinical problems, improve curative effects, and increase the number of outpatients, and make due contributions to the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture and the benefit of the health of humankind.


Mission of CCEC-ATCM


The Mission of CCECATCM is: To inherit, develop, integrate, and combine the advantages and advanced knowledge of Western and Chinese medicine, to teach clinic practical technologies of acupuncture & TCM, to help improve the ability to solve difficult diseases, to better serve the people.


Available Course



Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy

Master Key to Treat Soft Tissue Injury Pain



Wrist-Ankle Acupuncture Therapy

Easy to learn & use pain free subcutaneous acupuncture 











10 治疗操作简单,只需在腕踝部进针,针刺到位后,不需要任何的刺激手法,不需要补泻手法。 

11 接受度非常高:患者不需要脱衣服,在任何时间,地点都可以治疗。几乎没有副作用,晕针都很罕见,男女老少皆宜。 

12 包容性非常高:在接受腕踝针治疗的同时,还可以配合其他辅助治疗,包括普通体针,电针,刃针,耳针,放血,艾灸,推拿,按摩,骨科手法,中医中药治疗! 








Bloodletting (Wet Cupping) Therapy

Activating Blood Circulation antypyretic & analgetic Therapy


从中医的角度来说,刺络放血疗法的主要作用有:1) 清泻热毒、开窍启闭:刺络具有良好的泻热开窍作用,尤其适用于热闭神昏、惊厥抽搐之症,治疗高热、中暑等症;2)泻热解毒、消肿定痛:治疗目赤肿痛(急性结膜炎)、麦粒肿(睑腺炎)、风火牙痛、咽喉肿痛、痤疮、带状疱疹,蛇虫咬伤肿痛等;3) 祛瘀通络、调畅气机:治疗各种神经痛、面神经麻痹、股外侧皮神经炎、神经性皮炎、银屑病、急性腰扭伤及各种软组织损伤;4)祛风止痒:治疗各种急慢性瘙痒性疾病和皮肤疾病;5)镇静安神:治疗各种精神精神性疾病,癫狂,焦虑,失眠等;6)调整内分泌,治疗各种内分泌失调相关性疾病,不孕症,不育症,高脂血症,糖尿病,甲状腺,肾上腺等相关疾病;7)调节血压,心脑血管性疾病,治疗原发性或继发性高血压疾病,心脏病,外周血管神经性疾病;8)治疗五官科疾病,口舌疾病等。


Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Who are qualified to enroll the continue education course?

Anyone who is a licensed acupuncture therapist combined as a Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, nurse practitioner, medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, etc.

Can I get a certificate or continue education unit after I finished a complete course?

Yes, you will get a certificate to approve your accomplishment of a course, and continue education unit. We can’t guarantee your college or association will recognize our ECU. 

Do you supply personal training in your clinic after I finished online course?

Yes, it is possible to get students into my clinic for personal training during my work time if the pandemic restriction ban loosens up. Usually I only can take 3-4 student at a time for one week. During the training hour, students will follow me to assess the patients, watching the treatment process, answer the students’ questions. Meanwhile, I will arrange student’s practice between each other. 

Do you have Zoom meeting or face time for students to ask questions or discuss online course?

Yes, we will have zoom meeting for all students who registered online courses. The zoom meeting frequency depends on how many students have such requirement. Properly once a week or two weeks or a month. 

Also, students are more than welcome to contact me at any time during online study.

Do you allow students to download online course?

NO! Because it is my copyright. Students can login the website to study the enrolled online course, anytime anywhere the course is available for student to study as long as internet is accessible. 

Do you have any promotion discount if there are a group of people want to enroll the online course?

Yes! It is possible! Please contact me personally!

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