Mini Ren (Blade) Acupuncture-Best Solution of Pain

Categories: Acupuncture, online course
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About Course

This is an English version of an online series course to teach MRA-SNBN. It has total 19 lessons for student to learn from the basic theory to perform clinic practice.

Mnin Ren Acupuncture therapy is a revolutionary stunning new technique for the soft tissue injury pain treatment! It is a very safe and effective therapy for the pain caused by scar adhesive tissues, myofascial trigger points;  for the tingles and numbness caused by scar adhesive tissue entrapment on nerves, and so on! I supply this series MRA course to teach you how to make diagnosis, how to perform treatment, how to achieve miracle immediate and long-term results. After finishing this online course, I believe you will become unique acupuncture pain experts different from other common acupuncture therapist!

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What Will You Learn?

  • Student will understand the principle and strategy of Mini Ren Acupuncture, understand how to make diagnosis and treatment for soft tissue injury pain by mini ren acupuncture!

Course Content

Chapter 1: Introduction of Mini Ren(Blade) Acupuncture (MRA)-Superficial Needling to Break up Nodules (SNBN)

  • Lesson 1.1
  • Lesson 1.2
  • Lesson 1.3

Chapter 2: Treatment of Head, Face and Neck Diseases with MRA-SNBN

Chapter 3: Treatment of Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Diseases by MRA-SNBN

Chapter 4: Treatment of Lumbar and Back Diseases by MRA-SNBN

Chapter 5: Treatment of Hip, Thigh and Knee diseases by MRA-SNBN

Chapter 6: Treatment of Leg, Foot and Ankle Diseases by MRA-SNBN

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