
To learn Mini Ren Acupuncture, the superpower acupuncture technique to improve your skill to higher lever, to help more patients and make more income!

Introduction of Mini Ren Acupuncture Training Courses

In 2019-2020, we had several Mini Ren Acupuncture (MRA) training classes in Winnipeg, Toronto, Vancouver, San Francisco, achieved very successful results! I hope this online course will help you learn this unique safe, effective acupuncture technique to help more patients and let you become expert!


Learn Something Every Day!


Wee need to continue to improve our knowledge and experiences in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, which has been as a mainstream medicine in China and Asian countries to protect human beings preventing and treating diseases over thousands of years.

We need to absorb new techniques and knowledge to strengthen our capability to help clients resolving more problems, and serve them better by our practice!

Dr Guojian HUANG (MD, CHINA)

What is Mini Ren Acupuncture?


Mini Ren Acupuncture therapy is developed on the basis of traditional small blade needle to target superficial fascia nodules, muscle spasms, and scar adhesive tissues. It is a very effective, revolutionary, minimally invasive therapy to treat various soft tissue injury pains, nerve compressions, dysfunctions, etc. 

Mini Ren Acupuncture is a therapy that integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and is based on the four core theories of: 1) Abnormal tension theory; 2) Adhesion scar theory; 3) Myofascial trigger point theory; 4) Three-dimensional meridian theory.

These theories explain the occurrence and development of pain and the source and conduction of abnormal tension. Through superficial puncture, Mini Ren Acupuncture treats deep pain to restore tension balance, eliminate inflammation, and improve blood circulation. It eliminates pain and nerve compression quickly to achieve remarkable, timely, and long-term effects.



Advantages of Mini Ren Acupuncture


Its treatment features are:

  1. The needle tip blade edge is only 0.35-0.50 mm. The pain is mild and tolerated by most patients without anesthetics or regulatory substances.
  2. The therapy produces minimal bleeding, or almost no bleeding, avoiding secondary adhesion damage.
  3. The treatment process is easy and pleasant. Each session of treatment lasts only 2-10 minutes. Treatment frequency is once every 3 days. The general course of treatment can be 1-3 times, and 30-50 patients can be seen in one day.
  4. The treatment process is very safe. The insertion depth is typically less than 1 cm and will not damage big nerves or important blood vessels in deeper layers.
  5. The treatment method is simple with only the up and down insertion. There is no need for longitudinal or lateral peeling, no need for other auxiliary treatment methods such as massage, cupping, etc., and there are no unsightly cupping mark on the skin.
  6. This therapy supplies accurate treatment by finding the diseased muscle fascia based on the patient’s execution of movement.
  7. The treatment target tissues include: deep and shallow fascia; tendons; shallow muscle attachment points;  muscle spasm pain trigger points; cutaneous nerve compression sites.
  8. The curative effect is immediate for hand numbness, head dizziness caused by cervical spondylosis, and lower extremity numbness caused by lumbar disc herniation. The long-term effects are even better!
  9. Diagnoses and treatments are objective and reproducible. The treatment effect can be confirmed by whether the painful nodules are eliminated or not, based on testing with the fingertips.
  10. The theoretical basis is simple, objective, and scientific, and there is no need to study the Yi-Jing Ba-gua.


1.刀口只有0.35-0.50 mm,疼痛轻微,患者几乎都可以接受,不用麻药和激素。





6. 精准治疗,根据患者动作完成情况找到患病肌肉筋膜,一次完成治疗;

7. 刀法切割部位:为深浅筋膜、筋节、浅在的肌肉附着点、痉挛的肌肉激痛点、皮神经卡压部位等。

8. 疗效立竿见影:对颈椎病引起的手麻、头昏、腰间盘突出引起的下肢麻木可立刻见效,远期效果更好!

9. 诊断、治疗客观性强,重复性好,通过指下痛性结节是否消除而确认治疗效果,治疗时做到心中有数;

10. 理论基础简单客观科学,不需要学习易经八卦等。

MRA Training Classes in Canada and USA

Testimonials from Trainees

I have two interesting ones to share: The first is a young man you presented with metatarsalgia and neuralgia that he had for many months. He had been for other physio, podiatry, etc. I used MRA along with joint mobilization and neural mobilization techniques and his symptoms completely resolved. The second is another young man who presented with cauda equina-like symptoms. He had been thoroughly invested for sinister causes and everything was found to be negative, at which point we could be confident it was simply a pudundal neuralgia. With MRA, we have resolved his symptoms almost 100% (at his last appt he self-reported as 97% resolved.)-Thanks Dr Huang's MRA
Lisa Sendler
The Mini REN acupuncture has been very helpful -I recently treated a 82 year old woman with chronic lumbar spine pain ; groin and lateral hip pain - all resolved with three sessions! The lumbar spine pain was gone with one session . She are already knew her stretches and strengthening exercises !

I did a tight gastrocs this am and improved ROM as well as foot pain. I also did a greater trochanter for a glut that was sore on resistance and pain went away ! So cool !-Thanks again Dr Huang
Mila Kunis
Wow, that’s great! I treated someone with plantar fasciitis- mainly heel pain ; needled TN in gastrocnemius ; distal Achilles and attachment - much easier to walk immediately especially after treatment to posterior calcaneous. 😮) Thanks so much Dr. Huang!
Lori Stuart
My patient with spinal stenosis that I treated last week came back very happy. Not only did she have an immediate in crease in ROM but she said she walked further and slept longer than she has in months.
Thanks Dr. Huang
Megan Lee
Thanks Dr. Huang, I did a tight gastrocs this am and improved ROM as well as foot pain. I also did a greater trochanter for a glut that was sore on resistance and pain went away ! So cool !-Thanks again Dr Huang
Stephen Ran
Treated a woman Monday with chronic upper back pain post MVA that starts up around 2 pm and doesn't let go the rest of the day....she came back Thurs thrilled at the massive improvement with just one Mini Ren session!

Twice today! The first with a massage therapist who often sees another physio for dry needling (not one of us), but she is often away and the patient needs a back-up. I did CT jxn, lev scap, and sub-occipitals, and she was amazed at the improvement in her jaw pain. Another guy for a chronic supraspinatus and LHB tendonosis, and he was impressed with the added ROM. (But then I watched a liquor store getting robbed, so it wasn’t the most exciting part of my day. 😮) Thanks so much Dr. Huang!
Gayleen Henderson
昨天一位右臀及右股部疼痛一個月的91歲女長者,治療前一副“苦瓜臉”的痛苦表情,需要兩個女兒扶着慢步進診所。其女兒一進門就説其家醫告知L2擠壓,現況没法治療; 只開了止痛藥。但Tylenol無效,Celebrex只可減輕疼痛。 經檢查主要壓痛點在右側ITB, 在其上選擇2處最凸出痛性條索,1分鐘內結束刃針治療,完全没有出血。 該女長者随後下床立現笑容,笑咪咪的跟我道謝。其2個女兒也很驚奇,尤其出診所門女長者自行快步走向停車場,此場景更令大夥兒感到欣慰! 再次感恩黄博士的創意及無私的傳授!
Adam Lee
分享一下今天治疗的两例腰疼病案,1) Lyn, 女,49岁,去年冬天腰痛至今,翻身困难,黄博士曾说过大的动作要靠大的肌肉来完成,所以我着重处理翻身时动用的大肌肉:腰方肌、臀大肌、竖脊肌的起止点、以及大转子周边的肌肉群止点,一小时过后,她很轻松地翻过身来啦!连说如果她早来,就不用辛苦这么长时间!我没说什么,但心里说如果我没学迷你刃针我也没法在一小时左右把你治得这么好!用我原来的方法,没有四次是下不了的。2)Ryley, 男,19岁, 职业冰球队 队员,(他跟我多年,不介意我说他的名字),由于他左边助攻,所以左边腰部的竖脊肌非常硬且肿胀,做过两次迷你刃针,硬块和肿胀全部消失,以前花了九牛二虎之力都处理不来,现在这个问题迎刃而解,大家开心!
David Zhang
Mendy Liu
黃國健博士的迷你刃針第一期學習班學習進入了第三天,理論與臨床上的收穫是十分多的。讓我感覺到中醫針灸與中藥走入世界主流雖然是必然的,可前題是要有效的,迅速快的,安全的 ,無副作用治療方法黃國健博士的迷你刃針治療是首選了。因為迷你刃針治療效果在一次性就可以產生的好轉效果是驚人的,尤為頑症的效果傑出,每每治療完,病人輕鬆愉快的面色都能感覺到。小小刃針,操作簡易,速度快,皮膚不留痕跡,西人十分容易接受。我們學員中也有機會在黃博士的指導下相互做刃針交換治療,對刃針的治療的驚人效果佩服不已,一次治療就有這麼大的見效,迷你刃針應該是推向世界,讓病患得到最快最好最有效的治療針法之一。
Gang Huang
黄博士是我这几十年来遇到的最好的老师,他把刃针,和浮针,筋针,腕踝针有机的结合,我去年去拜会黄国建博士,虽然短短两周,但是黄博士严谨治学的态度让人尊敬,所以我就在大家都回家之后再说句多余的话:得遇黄国建博士指教,纵使千万里路,都是不虚此行。 一句话说不明白,但是多罗嗦几句就明白了:1,不藏。以前我拜过几个老师,想学东西腋腋藏藏,有句话好:有真本事不怕教会徒弟,黄老师不但手把手地教,而且事无巨细,把理论基础知识和临床实践相结合,这样就最大的可能让跟师的徒弟浅显易懂直奔疗效最好的主题。2,谦逊。在黄国建博士诊所学习期间每次晚上的理论课教学,师兄弟几个一起学习休息讨论期间黄老师会让我们都发表一下自己的操作心得,我是新手,但是黄老师之前指导的几个师兄弟都是老手,是我的老师,当他们一一介绍自己的经验之谈,也是让我茅塞顿开,犹如醍醐灌顶。3,知识广博。在两个周的学习时间,黄老师还和我们一起研究学习并细细讲解分析了几个名家的临床名方,以及在北美临床治验与中国各地区不同地域的区别,临床实践知无不言言无不尽,真羡慕黄老师诊所工作的两个师兄弟可以得黄老师真传,少走弯路,直面成功。
Danny Zhao
昨天一个跟了我十年的老病人B. P来访,十年前初次见我的时候我就发现他左手中指做过手术,手掌内侧有非常严重的疤痕组织,我有普通针法处理过两三次,他说有些好转,但我觉得不是这样,但自己也黔驴技穷。这事一拖就十年。和黄老师学完迷你刃针后,第二天B.Pl来访,立马用迷你刃针给他做治疗,前后不到十分钟,居然好成这样,连我也不敢相信自己眼睛。B.L高兴得立马要和我拍张合照同时要我把视频给他。终结这次治疗,我觉得我在两个方面进行了改进: 1)扩张了自己对痛点的认识,将主要治疗阿是穴改为治疗阿是穴的同时,还治疗病机穴即旋前圆肌和旋后圆肌、桡侧腕屈肌的止点,因为中指的运动就是靠这几块肌肉的收缩实现的;2)小刃针的使用,疤痕组织是造成神经卡压和肌肉卡压的元凶,普通针灸针是切不断这些疤痕组织的,唯有刃针可以胜任,疤痕组织切断后,奇迹自然出现。刚刚学习刃针,很多看法还不成熟,很多手法还不熟练,不足之处还请黄博士及各位老师斧正并不吝赐教! 黄博士,过去几天处理了二三十个病例,几乎每个病例都出奇的好,好到自己都有点怕!如果说我过去的针法像马车,迷你刃针简直就是汽车,而且是兰博基尼之类的超跑,快得我都担心会不会开到翻车。
Anna Wang

Videos of Mini Ren Acupuncture Treatment



MRA-SNBN treatment for the chronic lower back pain caused by sports injury.


MRA-SNBN treatment for the chronic wrists, finger knuckles, knee joints stiffness and pain.


MRA-SNBN treatment for chronic intractable pain caused by scar adhesion tissues because of traumatic injury


MRA-SNBN treatment for the pain and tingling numbness caused by cervical plexus and brachial plexus compressed syndrome because of whiplash 


MRA-SNBN treatment for the chronic intractable pain in right shoulder and upper back.


MRA-SNBN treatment for the chronic neck and arm pain.

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